Pine County Genealogical Society
State of Minnesota – USA – Pine County

Trace Your Family Tree
Our Research Policy
We are very interested in helping you get started with your Pine County Genealogy and while we will be happy to check our local resources and to make suggestions for your research, we regret we can not perform in-depth research for you. All our research is done on a volunteer basis by members of the Pine County Genealogical Society.
We don’t charge for helping with your research,
but donations are greatly appreciated.

Our membership dues are:
$10 per year for an individual,
$15 per year for a family.
Dues are collected in January of each year.
About us
The Pine County Genealogical Society, established in 1997, is a group of men and women interested in discovering their ancestral roots, helping others to do the same, and preserving, organizing, and utilizing genealogical resources in Pine County. The group meets the third Wednesday of each month at various restaurants in Pine County to enjoy visiting over lunch, discussing society business, sharing their genealogical discoveries, and, on occasion, listening to speakers. Once or twice a year, members and their guests travel to research sites around the state, including the Minnesota Historical Society and the Minnesota Genealogical Society.
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Helping Each Other
The members of the Pine County Genealogical Society are dedicated to helping each other discover as much about their families as possible. Recently several members of the group worked together to help another group member find her biological father. After years of searching, this member, who had grown up with relatives, kept hitting “genealogical brick walls”, she knew only her father’s name. Through the efforts of her fellow-members, who found her father’s birthday, birth place, and other information, the member was able to locate several half-sisters. Although her father had passed on, she and her sisters enjoyed a happy reunion and were able to share pictures and stories.
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Helping Other Genealogists
Pine County Genealogical Society is also enthusiastic about helping other genealogists, those who aren’t members, find genealogical success. Researchers from all over the world have contacted the society with their genealogical questions, and while society members don’t do full genealogies for people, they are happy to answer queries to the best of their ability by looking up information in available resources or providing research ideas and connections. One member, for example, received a research request from a woman in Sweden, who was looking for a branch of her family that had immigrated to America. To her surprise, the member actually knew the family in question and was able to connect the Swedish researcher with her American cousin. Even without such personal knowledge, members have, over the years, aided other genealogists from as close as Pine County to as far away as Australia.
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Helping the Community
Since the beginning of its existence, Pine County Genealogical Society has been devoted to helping the community by providing valuable genealogical resources for all residents to use. The society has purchased microfilm censuses, microfilm newspapers, books on genealogy and genealogical magazines for local libraries and sponsored genealogy workshops. Individual members have and are working on such projects as indexing cemeteries, researching the county’s Civil War veterans (in order to provide them with new gravestones if necessary), and posting obituaries online.
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Our fundraisers are used for genealogy research and projects.
Our mailing address:
Pine County Genealogical Society
61715 Beaver Tail Road
Askov, MN 55704
Lyn Johnson, President
Rose Mielke, Vice President
Paul Olesen, Treasurer
Al Johnson, Secretary